周传    周奇 


传奇兄弟設計工作室  创始人

原上海韓家英設計公司  設計总监

cqxddesign Founder

Former designer director of  Shanghai hanjiaying Design Co., Ltd 


cqxddesign成立于2018年 ·上海 。致力于将东方美学与当代设计语言的交融,为商业和文化领域的客户提供以品牌设计为核心,视觉传播、艺术指导、摄影、空间等多维度的设计实现平台,理解语境 、定义概念、提供设计。 主要创作人员均具备12年以上一线品牌设计经验,如万科、中信 、陆家嘴集团前滩中心、长江商学院、上海交通大学高级金融学院、洛克外滩源、美的等。

Established in 2018, cqxddesign is committed to the integration of oriental aesthetics and contemporary design language, thereby providing customers in the commercial and cultural fields with a multi-dimensional design platform centering on brand design and involving visual communication, art direction, photography, space and so on. Understanding context, defining concepts and delivering design. All of the main creative staff are equipped with more than 12 years of design experience for first-line brands like Vanke,CITIC, New Bund Center, CKGSB, Shanghai Jiaotong University-Saif,Rockbund, Midea, etc.